... inna last week your humble editoress was going to show her mate snakey the old deserted steelworks up herrenhausen and indeed there were many attractions to watch!
never lose faith and keep the face, yours haselore kohl
said but true - another unfairy tale about the place between the two rivers..
onna last weekend bun hopped to the shores of the river ihme to check out what had become of the Calenberger Loch down glocksee that had been announced for so long...
the brilliant plan was to have it set just opposite the legendary ihmezentrum so that the people living in their could watch it from there balconies
the very place that in 2010 still was the scene of an exhibition of pieces of the fine arts
and of course home to all the trees that some happy dogs and there respective owners regularly used to have there slashes at...
but for two zero one one it was obvious that the Calenberger Loch was going to be forced upon the dwellers down their!
and bun had to hop there to find out was was really going on!
bun was not surprised to see an impressive wall erected - not unlike the ones that had made cities like berlin and belfast world famous and places of historically important gatherings...
and it looked much like the local citizens were going to show the world that there town was spelled with two capital N - much different to all those places overseas rather abusing the very same name...
... what your humble editoress was really surprised about was to find out that they had an arts exhibition newly installed in the hallway - resembling the aforementioned one that once had been located at the waterfront - but taking those works approaches further in a more direct way!
born haselore von bunswick in kidsdowork, china, raised in wessex, uk. relocated to germany inna zero 5 and now married to somebun since zero 7 - one of the better wedding presents was haselore's music site, located @ www.myspace.com/haselore or just bookmark www.haselore.com in your browser.
as for any business matters please contact my personal assistant and agent Mr. Stefan J. Walter at
stefan dot walter at haselore dot com
because i am not interested in legal affairs which is why I got an agent inna first place!
speaking of - for galerie kohl pls. try contact my local management there at frank dot schwingel at galeriekohl dot com