Friday 30 April 2010

short songs - bad luck rides on wheels


at home i had some argument with my simple minded yet messy hasband that most of you will now by know -

so i was late again for the set of bad luck rides on wheels - who came down from sunny rostock to have our brains melted at der stumpf with their specific brand of heavy doom rock

i had already missed the set of aguirre and i even was late for the main attraction - bad luck rides on wheels - of whose set i luckily enough got some vids sent over by an anonymous admirer of my works

and here now you can watch the last part of there really brutal set...

and if you're lucky you will find other songs from there set down my very own channel @

ride on and have a smashing time, here's some flowers i found on my way home

yours, haselore kohl

Thursday 29 April 2010

beyond the gates of hell - meeting up with closed unruh


tuesday i got called up in regard of a shooting session as there were some professional promotional photographs needed for the upcoming show by the intelligence...

as the session took much longer than i had expected and time was extremely tight because changing dresses had taken me what had looked like forever and so bun had to hurry up to get herself down der cafe glocksee in - what she thought - was still a timely manner because she still was going to follow her original and cool plan to documant the show by closed unruh that was going on there on that very night.

closed unruh has been one of the longestgoing groups in hannover and this group is the exclusive brainchild of mr. thomas tier who used to play in some other fine bands during the course of the last 30 years...

which ones exactly you better find out for your beautiful selves because it is not that hard...

upon my arrival i was shocked to realize that the band were about finished with they're set and that they were already going to leave the stage - what they actually did then...!

...and i was getting angry at myself for not getting there earlier as friendly mr. tier even did have a special comfortable chair reserved for your humble editoress to sit on!

so i had to calm myself down and gladly i was offered some rounds of artificial sweeteners that got passed around in the audience.

....but lucky me and lucky you ... that mr. tier himself did have a comeback for an encore!

... and for the encore he just hit the drums and he did hit them very hard as you can see for your beautiful selves right here on this cool vid...

if you wonder why you could not see that much onna above vid - don't worry it was just that the driver, who was stoned right out of his bald head had stopped the recording for no obvious reason... but on the second attempt things finally did work out!

after the show allmembers of this set's project band had suddenly gone except for mr. tier - i chatted him up but he was very busy and so it was decided that an interview was to be conducted the next time closed unruh were going to be around....

so i quietly changed dresses again, packed my gear and left the club to go on my way home...

after all there was a show by bad luck rides on wheels upcoming on the 29th of april and i needed some well deserved rest... ... guess I'll see you down one of my internets soon, yours

Tuesday 20 April 2010

black diamond - meeting bohren and der club of gore


I had gone as far as monaco to meet der bohren and the club of gore but i did just fail miserably - because der white noise festival or however that thing was called had already been sold out when i had finally found that place called gasteig - so i had to make a change of plans and first get drunk at der P1 pub this night...

.. and then onna next day have the driver make a trip to der märchenland that is located some miles south of monaco

down der märchenland i began to develope what turned out as the brilliant plan to hit the south once again two weeks later and go onna trip to der wiesbaden to meet der bohren onna eighteenth of april two zero one zero...

... but onna dis bun voyage i was still suffering from what had been an almost deadly abuse of beverages down the last night of der silke arp bricht at der sturmglocke down hannover the very night before....

upon my arrival at der schlachthof i was greeted by the promoter first and then the band's merchtable next...

unfortunately somebun had forgotten to have manufactured any apparel in my size as well - i suppose that this was the reason why i very surprisingly was not offered a free promotional shirt...

... and as the bohren had expressed the wish to be interviewed before the show i had to change the concept of my interview style

but to quote somebun else who used to wear a trouser with flowers hanging out from it just a couple of years before i was born: "what difference does it make?"

actually i did get to meet only 66,6% of the 3 Bohren who had travelled to this night's show: c. clöser who is playing the sax and m. gass who used to draw covers for the almost legendary thrash band chronical diarrhoea from mülheim back inna days when i was still down kindergarten (btw. mülheim is located next to duisburg which is a part of "der revier" - where i will have to go some day for a holiday to investigate more closely, yours haselore kohl, cool editoress for Looking for Kohl, the best blog inna whole f%&$ing world!) ...and here now is my in-depth interview with bohren & der club of gore

after the interview i went back into the concert hall to check out the opening band's soundcheck - radare from wiesbaden were going to open the evening for bohren & der club of gore

... shortly after radare had finished soundchecking i accidentally bumped into them and i took the chance to get an interview done with them as well - so here know is my cool interview withradare

haselore kohl meets radare from haselore kohl on Vimeo.

shortly after the interview was done the show got finally got kicked off...

then came "der umbaupause" - whatever that know might translate to in our language...

then finally the bohren and der club of gore started there set so here is some live impressions know - and these should be shown up here as long as wicked men like evil doc heker of der very controversial german gema organization is going to sue the shit out of my beautiful butt for putting these cool clips onna internet right here at Looking For Kohl...

untill then, have a nice one... see y'all on one of my internets real soon hopefully,
yours haselore kohl

(PS: double paws up to my pal dennis at der schlachthof in wiesbaden who arranged for me and the driver to sneak in through the postern, yours, hk, resourceful editoress)

Monday 19 April 2010

chalice inna squatage - meeting the kings of dub rock down silke's last stand


onna saturday the seventeenth i was going out to der sturmglocke to get her portrayed as a very important location for the main cultural happenings as well as to get myself portrayed as a good looking and very cool editoress...

the club was packed with people - all celebrating the untimely demise of der silke arp bricht!

basically it looked like der linken musikantenstadl and they were all so deeply involved into the anti-system activity that i cannot show there faithes here onna Looking For Kohl dot com!

and so I won't - even if most of the local jeunesse doree had found there way to that event

because some of there artistic work is very controversial!

so bun had to minimize chances of external censorship by practicing some internal censorship!

and i even had lots more of those fine conmemnmorative (...or however you will spell this 6%c§ing word) pictures taken

but all those models including my beautiful self made the fatal mistake of staring directly into the cameras

which means that they had to get a very dark rod of correction right over parts of there faithes - even though that i met lots of members of the local intellectual elite playing in bands i cannot name here for safety purposes - but most if not all of them they refused to be taken down for some interview about der poor silke seeing the grass in linden from new zealand know - except for the kings of the dub rock - naturally!

upon arrival i went into the main hall where the show was supposed to happen but the group were not ready to start playing yet - and onna way back to the bar i recognized even more intellectuals

... and I even got to meet what looked like the members of a well known local rock band!

I enjoyed talking to some of the very lovely barmaids who knew they were going out of work soon with der silke arp bricht closing there cellar bar thanks to der ordnungsamt hannover after some 20 years

i got lots of double-paws up for wearing a cool silke abschiedstrauerfloor which is basically a little armband you're wearing after your mom has died or somebun else who's been very important to you like a football goalie or the singer of an access...

i had to take a "lickle" rest inna comfy chair before I could watch silke arp bricht go out inna puff of smoke and I took a little nap but i woke up a little bit too late

right after the group had started performing there set!

due to the concert-room being totally overcrowded i experienced heavy problems taking my reserved seat onna merchtable that i had booked already in the previous week

unfortunately my seat did not offer me a good point of view onna artists' visual offerings

... and the sound that reached my ears was really horrible thanks to a deaf engineer and a bad room acoustics and only in those rare moments i could get a rare peep onna artists ...

but the kings of dub rock themselves were inna good an jolly mood and got to make there point

they even played my favourite song that is a cool story about somebun imaginary - yet, as i might've mentioned before the sound was not too good...

but i could play it cool because over the course of the evening all my expenses were being covered by one of my very supportive drivers

after the kings of dub rock had finished with there set special guest booty carrell did raise some hell playing well known tunes -and gladly the sound got better

still i had to kill some time and so i was having a chat with another lovely tresenkraft who turned out to be a true and very evil devotee to the church of satan!

i had to wait untill the kings of dub rock had finished there task of handing out poster prints to the general public and had the time to answer my important interview questions!

and especially viktor marek looked like he was never gonna finish with his task

so bun sadly had to cut him out from der all important interview! but finally here know is my cool interview with rica blunk and jacques palminger off the kings of dub rock...

after having finished the interview i hung around the place for some more time

and it got pretty late for some reason bun cannot remember too well any more...

but what bun can remember is that lots of the folks around were telling her in all honesty to stuff her requests for some more bleeding interviews about more facts about silke closing up her own butt!

cause from what bun heard the original silke building is going to fold any minute know because the landlord's an evil man who never spends any dosh on maintaining the house and he lets the place rot and go to hell to erect a skateboard ramp or a supermarket chain store or whatever down the premises...

later i happened to meet more cool local artists and some of them asked asked me why i had never published there clipsand reviews on Looking For Kohl dot fucking com

and inna end even my own management got angry with me

and she reminded me of the fact that i had to interview mülheim's very own doom gods bohren & der club of gore onna following sunday

and that i was not gonna travel inna relaxed first class kind of style where all my expenses were going to be covered by some wealthy record company's expenses budget - so there would not be any dosh for buying any food or drink onna dis upcoming bun voyage!

so i called it a day, waved goodbye to der sturmglocke and went outside to catch a cab...

but there weren't any - so i had to walk home on my own two paws! ...and worst of all - nobun had given me a copy of der Silke XX compilation for review...

but as the old german saying goes: "der karavane zieht weiter" which I think is the german equivalent of our famous british proverb "aces high".

so i hope you'll all be doing well untill my next blogpost and I'll see y'all onna internet real soon! yours, haselore kohl