onna 9th of the fourth month inna two-zero-one-zero i went down to the ujz kornstrasse for the second time within only five days to watch the sets of local heroes kids of the black hole and then the images (not the old washington DC band but local hannover newcomers) and also cold death from hannover as well as from various other places in germany
only upon my late arrival i got aware of the fact that i had missed the cold death's show

the kids of the black hole had already started to play there set and so here now is some links to some clips that were being filmed right there before i experienced a schwächeanfall that made me miss the images' set. so here's the kid's clips know:
kids of the black hole - live kornstrasse on 2010 / 04 /09 part I
kids of the black hole - live kornstrasse on 2010 / 04 /09 part II
kids of the black hole - live kornstrasse on 2010 / 04 /09 part III
kids of the black hole - live kornstrasse on 2010 / 04 /09 part IV
and here know - straight from my cool vid-channel haselore.net is the kids of the black hole - live kornstrasse on 2010 / 04 /09 part V:
it was the day after malcolm mclaren had died due to a sudden stroke and so it happened that
for the rest of the evening i was feeling very weak and sickly

... maybe that was also due to the fact that somebun squeezed me into a small box to go home with her

and that's why i missed the images LP release set - but i will go and see them at one of the next dates that there playing. up till then have a nice one, denn: "hauptsacher is gut gegessen!"

yours, haselore
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