I had gone as far as monaco to meet der bohren and the club of gore but i did just fail miserably - because der white noise festival or however that thing was called had already been sold out when i had finally found that place called gasteig - so i had to make a change of plans and first get drunk at der P1 pub this night...
.. and then onna next day have the driver make a trip to der märchenland that is located some miles south of monaco

down der märchenland i began to develope what turned out as the brilliant plan to hit the south once again two weeks later and go onna trip to der wiesbaden to meet der bohren onna eighteenth of april two zero one zero...
... but onna dis bun voyage i was still suffering from what had been an almost deadly abuse of beverages down the last night of der silke arp bricht at der sturmglocke down hannover the very night before....
upon my arrival at der schlachthof i was greeted by the promoter first and then the band's merchtable next...
unfortunately somebun had forgotten to have manufactured any apparel in my size as well - i suppose that this was the reason why i very surprisingly was not offered a free promotional shirt...
... and as the bohren had expressed the wish to be interviewed before the show i had to change the concept of my interview style
but to quote somebun else who used to wear a trouser with flowers hanging out from it just a couple of years before i was born: "what difference does it make?"
actually i did get to meet only 66,6% of the 3 Bohren who had travelled to this night's show: c. clöser who is playing the sax and m. gass who used to draw covers for the almost legendary thrash band chronical diarrhoea from mülheim back inna days when i was still down kindergarten (btw. mülheim is located next to duisburg which is a part of "der revier" - where i will have to go some day for a holiday to investigate more closely, yours haselore kohl, cool editoress for Looking for Kohl, the best blog inna whole f%&$ing world!) ...and here now is my in-depth interview with bohren & der club of gore
after the interview i went back into the concert hall to check out the opening band's soundcheck - radare from wiesbaden were going to open the evening for bohren & der club of gore
... shortly after radare had finished soundchecking i accidentally bumped into them and i took the chance to get an interview done with them as well - so here know is my cool interview withradare
haselore kohl meets radare from haselore kohl on Vimeo.
shortly after the interview was done the show got finally got kicked off...
then finally the bohren and der club of gore started there set so here is some live impressions know - and these should be shown up here as long as wicked men like evil doc heker of der very controversial german gema organization is going to sue the shit out of my beautiful butt for putting these cool clips onna internet right here at Looking For Kohl...
untill then, have a nice one... see y'all on one of my internets real soon hopefully,
yours haselore kohl
(PS: double paws up to my pal dennis at der schlachthof in wiesbaden who arranged for me and the driver to sneak in through the postern, yours, hk, resourceful editoress)
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