Tuesday, 17 October 2017

see how we are


...finally yet another one of those rather typically fritzen-style media arrangements!

yours, haselore kohl

Friday, 29 September 2017

standing by the sea

yours, haselore kohl

Thursday, 31 August 2017



boy, haven't we met someplace before?

all yours...

Monday, 31 July 2017

return of the rat


yours, haselore

Friday, 30 June 2017

from safety to...


on one of those first days of june one seven bun had hopped to der wiesbaden abattoir to see some older american folk heroes and check out their security concepts - and there was a hell of a lot of these

the bodygards at the entrance channels soon took away all the stuff bun would have needed for an in depth interview with the group, so bollocks to them!

as nobun over the age of 15 was interested to listen to any of the "supporting acts" bun only went into the hall after the "main band" had just begun with their show, basically they were made up of half the current flag lineup plus that older guy from the dwarves on bass apparently and some hunchback on vocals.

the band finished quite timely, missing out on "eighties girl" but having played most of their actual set in a rather hi-speed style that the singer with his rucksack full of what seemed to be coffee flavoured tea just could not keep up with...

as there weren't any special lavatories supplied for bun's kind of gender, she was eager to catch the next train home and spend the rest of the night in front of an installation at one of those famous sachsenhausen art galeries

seriously yours, h. kohl

Wednesday, 31 May 2017

Sunday, 30 April 2017



yours, haselore

Friday, 31 March 2017

arms race


yours, haselore

Tuesday, 28 February 2017

takin' care of business

on the weekend bun got into a bit of a hurry just timely enough hitting a

pointo to get hopped to the horse tracks down langenhagen

where by chance they would have a sale on vintage racing gear

yours. haselore kohl

Monday, 30 January 2017

party line


"zippers up

'miles off'

tramps down"

temporarily yours, haselore kohl