www.myspace.com/haselore - myspce is a chance to net your music for no hosting fees - and to lose your precious time inna million totally useless features - but you can listen to my band on there
www.youtube.com/haselore - and youdeadgaypornmoviestube dot com is just the same business but with loads more on the video front and some mp3s you might find over the links - but the good point is that you can find my videos on there

http://twitter.com/haselore_kohl - i really have no clue what this is all about . i just read about it on somebun elese's internet and thought that I should share my lifewith other people because as for my life is very interesting! but i am getting sleepy most ly before i get to type anything in there

and then i went to pose for photographs down at drug revival's evil practice space - i did not get to meet sly for reasons nobunny could explain to me, but i met up with there new missus bassplayer who called herself the KEP or whatever and I got to pose for some photographs with her later that evening. but I think some of you could find these offensive, so that i rather not print them here but some others that though they do not show any of the naughty bits are alright for know!
my playlist: it's don't do drugs by julian cope but i forgot if this was just a loop inna song or a complete song but that comes out the same anyway! here's a review on his new black sheep album but i have problems reading it cause walter's off to the store
yours haselore kohl
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