somebun had told her that convince the beast to rock were going to feed the money milking local open air festival organization scene with a free show inna afternoon!

bun had to hop down to that horrible local open air festivity that she had reported from inna last year

onna location where usually only heavy drinkers and dincs meet

down where the rivers leine and ihme kiss the common green preservation society officers generally do a very lousy job as the organizers do not even have to water the the green

it looked like the weather was changing every 2 minutes, but bun got a nice seat there because the ground was getting muddy so there were not that many people and that was good because big amounts of people make you feel like that world famous bun caught inna blender...

and bun got a good view of the band playing

after convince the beast had finished their set bun gladly got to piss off from the scene instantly because the next band turned out to be an especially horrible one much too loud for anybuny's cool earnerves!

yours, haselore kohl
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