Monday, 7 February 2011

the city of the debt - meeting the authors from der Kopfnuss Verlag

inna october of two zero one zero your humble editoress went to a practice of world famous krautrock orchestra hier krepiert that she documanted on right here on her own cool channel called der kanal von haselore, when all offa sudden she noticed one of those glossy stickers by cave canem - right next to an advertisement for the lyrical offerings of the kopfnuss verlag.

"nix wie hin" bun thought and hopped home to grab her holdall and get a seat booked onna next train to frankfurt as for timely showing up at der Kopfnuss Showcase down the Bockenheim

... and here know is a short overview of your humble editoresses's experiences down the west german frankfurt that features the following fine poets:

mr. jörkkk meineid from treveris

mr. alex grafensteiner from washington p.c

mr. bob funny from neverland

mrs. nora narcotix from somewherelse

as well as mrs. gianna whoselastnamebunforgot

...and here they are live and in interview directly from der Kanal von Haselore:

yours, the queen of internets, haselore kohl

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