one of those nights your humble editoress had the terrible dream of being trapped inna place with mostly erlderly people - - or "sexy senior citizens" as they tend to refer to themselves rather
bands were playing but worst thing of all seemed to be
the return of honkytonk r&b men, which was not only kind of sad but a fair bit disgusting as well
bun even tried their sleepover for the night but - like in a usual bad dream bun must add - boxes where all locked up!
...and soon the horns of jericho could be heard
...and bun expected fire to fall right through the roof within the next minutes!
...any which way it was time to move on up if bun were not gonna wake up from this rather soon - and it did not look like that at all!
born haselore von bunswick in kidsdowork, china, raised in wessex, uk. relocated to germany inna zero 5 and now married to somebun since zero 7 - one of the better wedding presents was haselore's music site, located @ or just bookmark in your browser.
as for any business matters please contact my personal assistant and agent Mr. Stefan J. Walter at
stefan dot walter at haselore dot com
because i am not interested in legal affairs which is why I got an agent inna first place!
speaking of - for galerie kohl pls. try contact my local management there at frank dot schwingel at galeriekohl dot com