that little guy had almost run your humble editoress down with his car, the exhaust pipe of which apparently was defect because you watch it extruding a small green cloud...

bun just thought "sue that prick for compensation" and quickly got on her way to get a faked medical certificate from a trustworthy specialist she was going to pass over to some solicitor who was onna take for testimony of her physical and mental injuries...

... to press some money out of Möhre's third party vehicle insurance for some better home and garden than the one she already owns!

but on her way back bun saw a sign fom the chap above to tell her to let go of her more than corrupt plan

and so she rather went on to someplace where she could get rid of most of her past sins...

and after all who would want to sue the arse off a nice guy like Möhre or have his compact car taken away from him for not perfectly matching current EC waste gas standards...

maybe he could take your humble editoress to one of her upcoming interview appointments that are due within the upcoming weeks... so bun decided to cool her temper down some atificial pasture

yours, haselore kohl

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