on one of her strolls through what your humble editoress calls "her barrio", bun noticed a poster that instantly drew her attention...

it looked like inna evening hier krepiert were going to play a free show - so your humble editoress got inna driver's car and both went off to der cafe glocksee at hi-speed!

bun got their timely enough to get tro check out the merchtable - once again not succeeding in nicking any of the stuff - but there weren't any proper covers to go with the new hier krepiert 7"s anyway...

after a rather strange support band had ended with there set hier krepiert started with wacken null acht - a stupid cockrock parody song that is so old bun could recognize it instantly - but at least only a short version got played..

and next out of nowhere there was a tourist coming up on the stage and she just filmed the audience - just hope she caught somebun on camera so she has a proof that she went to documant on the show for the kunstlersozialkasse!

after what hier krepiert called "the first block of songs" the drummer had a break for a cigarrette and the singer started a strange rap - the contents of which were too hard to understand for your humble editoresse's rather bad knowledge of the german language... ...and then the singer even started to change his clothes on the stage - which was a bit embarrassing to watch for everybun!

...but the band went on with there set - playing there version of dag nasty's "you are mine" - the singer still not properly dressed up again. and time was short indeed and it had gotten late already so that bun had to hop home to her husband hasmuth and therefore delay doing an interview up to some point in the probably very distant future!

but not before getting aquainted with the band's manageress to beg for some free merchandise - but the lady behind the counter told her to go FOAD if bun weren't going to give any donations into the box!
well...screw those bitches i am too poor to donate for anybunny elses' causes, but still you can donate for mine!
yours, haselore kohl
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