it is the 26th of june in zero 9 and finally
crowskin from
potsdam are coming to town to play there very own brand of heavy doom metal. so I went down to
stumpf and I got a good placed on the counter for waiting for the show to begin!
as I had arrived pretty late at the club I had missed

images who played the support slot.
luckily there is one photo of the other guitar player that walter had made. he said that the band had not been that good as they are usually and that he thought they made an impression on him that they were not really on the stage but elsewhere in time and space. maybe they just dropped some acid before the show or maybe they were just out of their heads as for something else, I just

do'nt know..
then I wnet to sit on a table where I would have a better mic position in order to
md the show.
also nice meeting matze who is like e main man behind b.i.e.r. - the group

I posed for for a promotional shot once
at stumpf over the years they apparently have had lots of fine bands - faster ones like sick terror or
audio kollaps, and slower ones like moho or
and none of them were
GEMA affiliates because i am sure you are reading this because you have all the agents always in search of new sources of income
but my question is why take it from public when you can take it from your fucking members so why not raise the fees for gema mambers instead of taking it from the promoters. first answers to that you will get in one of my upcoming pieces on
and you will name us by the trail of dead that is supposed to be released in one of
my next blogs.

finally something started. it was ment to be a soundcheck and my favourite song got played and I got in a hurry getting it recorded.
harmony of life has gotta very nice hookline if you like ths kind of heavy rock...
then nothing was happenening for quite a while - but finally they really kicked it off.
...all noisy flow, all massive sound, all heavy with lotsa cool & exciting breakes and screams like from a quartered hare and a pale horse facing extinction! i cannot really describe it as it is very personal and like a maelstrom of pure heavy rock with really harsh vocals. sometimes a bit too harsh for my personal taste probably as well as for the taste of thousands of other people not going to see crowskin except for myself and maybe 4 dozens lucky others....

so I ask you all to support this cool band and to buy there records that are unfortunately not quite as brilliant as their live shows - as there demo tape had been gone for long and their were no compact discs on offer neither t-shirts in my size i could not really support them financially! but when they do girl's sizes shirts down too my size i sure will do!!!

inna meantime please enjoy the blurred photographs of the band in full action at
stumpf!! yes, i sometimes feel blurred mysterious these days too...
then in a quiet moment i could get hold of the band and they agreed to pose for a for Looking For Kohl - they all were a bit shy except for the mighty singer who turned out to
mrs. alexandra von bolz'n famous german grinders the
bolz'n. a fact that i only had found out later, thanks to my massive investigation into the subject helped by the internet.
when i mentioned it to walter he said he liked the older singer's voice betterm, that it fitted inbetter in with the crowskin's sound but the new singer was technically better and much much harder.

having revealed all these facts will you please have a look at the fine portrait of the unbeatable
alexandra von bolz'n drinking water from a bottle on the left. it'sturned out a bit dark due to a real heavy mistake made by somebody in the technical department of
looking for Kohl!

so after i had talked them into doing the pic we all smiled heavily into the camera for several minutes, but the photo came out very dark and blurred stil - just like most of the photos here in my piece about crowskin (thanks walter you prick and please don't blame it on what you always call the bad conditions for a photograph again!)

my memory cut out soon after the shooting and I remember if the last band played or not but I think I have recogized their drummer in one of the photographs above.
when i had regained control over all of my senses again, there still were members of the bands to be met gathering at the bar drinking heavily, talking about themselves and other things and in general were out to squeeze the promoter for any more free
beers ...

me two was trying to squeeze some more drink out of the band's fridge that had just got filled up again and tried me best to be given sanctuary to give it a go by the promoter but in the end all he did do for me was: 1. to tell me was to get a life and 2. to make myself useful down the kitchen ...

... but only when i entered the room down there I realized what a mess there was to clean up and I justfucked off home to bed in the very next second! swear to the almighty emperor I will really think twice about wearing a skirt in public ever again - all it does to you is you have to the washup for some macho twat who is not any better than the one that I have sitting at home already listening to
sleazy hip hop just to make me mad when i come home tired from the job at
Looking For Kohl! bloodclot!

ask me for my playlist ana must admit that
"harmony of life" has been playing on my mp3 player for the last couple of months now. all hail the mighty crowskin that they support bootleg file downloading - well at least I think so!
as i said I have made a live recording but it is not sounding very good because of all the drop outs caused by some low charged accumulators and so i think that
crowskin have not fancied it too very much - well enjoy the music that is there and let me know what you think about
crowskin and their heavy rock!
shine on you crazy diomands, yours haselore kohl