Sunday, 19 June 2011

attitude - meeting go!

...onna sunny weekend in june of zero eleven bun got her
best dress on and took the chance to hop to the go! show at

it's the one place for artists

(not only those who really do care about performing the fine arts of b-boying)

your humble editoress even managed to get an interview with go!'s mike bullshit right before the show and she even got (((unartig nyc))) to film some vids of their show that do show what you guys and gals at home have missed - but know you better have a look at your humble editoresse's impressions from the show...




the bun who had to take a little nap right after the show

before getting personal with her overseas fans

... and remember well:

and that you don't have to be a

yours, haselore kohl

PS: and here know is the link to my cool interview with mike bs!

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