but now on to something completely different!
the very day the world inferno friendship society came down from the usa to hannover here in europe.
i heard that the band got really popular after they played on one evening back in zero 1 when the buddy's intelligence service declared war on what was pretty much everybunny else on the planet except for the swiss i think...
the band was further said to have performed a fantastic show after doing a few calls home as for any relatives and friends missing - so they're good sportsmen and really serious artists for sure! reason enough for me to do a story!
the WIFS turned out to be a hell of a live band - tight drumming made the basics for a permormance that somehow reminds of an absurd musical cabaret because i have heard lots of musical instruments played on that drumming - and the guy at the mixing desk was deaf!
but Jack T. was well tired after the show. really tired because he had worked really hard on stage. bad luck i had approached him much too early after the show for my interview-report-series about "unbearable phony noise at shows" because i felt sleepy once again.

BV: I am 30. My birthday was May 16th.
HK: what's your favourite songs out of all the bands you ever have played in?
(note that I did the fatal mistake not to take care for aproper spelling as it was meant to be one song and not all of them.... - but taking in regard he's such a nice person i say fair enough that the man should have his say! your humble editoress)
My favorite songs are always the ones with the most driving energy and performative elements. So there's not ONE favorite. My fav Dolls songs to play were always ones with lots of improv; Half Jack, Coin-op Boy, Truce, Girl Anachronism, Modern Moonlight. And Port of Amsterdam, Mein Herr, and War Pigs were the most fun cover songs.
Inferno songs I love to play are Weimar, Velocity Of Love, Tarot Americane, Cats Are Not Lucky Creatures, Life Of Poverty And Freedom, Just The Best Party, and Addicted to Bad Ideas, as well as many others, but those are some of my current favs.
BV: I'm sure I was feeling great after Hannover, always love to play shows!
... as you can read from the interview brian loves to play shows and this probably is the reason the WIFS have a fantastastic drummer cause practice makes perfect as wire used to say... and a drummer who keeps the hottest of ladies away fom jackoferno apres-show - a drummer like this, he simply must be perfect the one cause usually the drummers they're all stark raving mad. .... later when I stumbled home early in the morning I got aware of the fact the shit had long yet started to hit the fan..

keep on hopping over green fields, yours haselore
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