once again my pal sly was celebrating one of her cool twenty-fifth birthdays and i got invited too. I thought that I would become something like the cool attraction of the evening in a no time - but strange enough: nobun really took any notice of my cool person nor reflected on my presence - not even the mirror on the wall! ... and all this in spite of
my cool self maintaining some of the best personal internets there are
out there!!!

then, just for the fritzens down her place i made some of the funny moves that us english usually associate with germany and we just love the fritzens for their cool humour and of course we would let them start
WW III - if only they'd let us win
the worldcup just once again!

... and obviously the fritzens do love
my very funny and witty english humour and finally I was becoming the much adored star of the evening!

... and once the fritzens were pissed outta there heads inmidst of all that
weirdness going on i even managed to got a short sequence for my planned documantation called "american hardbun"
starring my very self on hard disc!

but, it's getting late know and i gotta go to bed soon - I got my piece on
child abuse from
new york almost ready now but i won't post that yet because it has yet to be finished..
yours, haselore
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